Friday, October 1, 2010


I have none. I've been going nonstop pretty much since school started, which is my excuse for not having done a blog in weeks.

In Intro to Chemistry and Physics, we dyed our safety-goggles. Mine are purple and fade into black. And today, we got to play with Alka-seltzer in film cannisters. Basically, you drop the tablet into a cannister with a little water, slap the lid on, shake it a couple times, and back away quickly.

That's not the only fun thing we've done in Intro, but I'll save those stories for another day. I didn't realize that today was my half-birthday until I looked up at the question of the day in Intro and saw that it said it was October first. That's right. If you do the math, I was born April first. It's been known to happen. Same as my grandpa. We're epic.

Today, we had a skit for the raffle-tickets pep rally, which won't make any sense if you don't go to St. Teresa's. But that's okay. The skit was GLEE. Which I actually watch, during advisory parties (not my choice, but I don't really care).

So my World Geography teacher, a woman named Mrs. Rueschoff, was Kurt. She did the Single Ladies dance. My Accelerated English teacher, Ms. Dolan, was Rachel, and she's a fantastic lip-syncher. My Journalism teacher, Mr. Thomas, was Finn. He is a skinny (but muscular) bald man. It was frabjous (real word).

The only problem is that I'm not taking any throwaway classes. Journalism is difficult. Latin, while awesome, is not a breeze. Accelerated English is very reading-and-interpreting oriented, and we do lots of writing. For Accelerated Geometry, I'm asking Curls to tutor me, and it's not because I'm awful at math (I guess if I'm in Accelerated Geometry, that inherently means that I'm good at math, but still...).

World Geography, while not an accelerated class, involves quite a bit of homework. Intro doesn't have a lot of homework, but I study a lot for the tests. PE is awesome, except for the written tests, which are not nearly as easy as the ones we took in grade-school.

And on top of all this, I have idiots claiming that STA is an easy school, or we're never in class. They perfectly time it to be during a week when I've had a series of bad days, I'm getting sick because I'm not getting enough sleep, or I just had four tests. Then I explode at them and sound like a man-hater. That's not the image I'm trying to cultivate, surprisingly enough.

On a happier note, Ahafia--my personality twin--is going to shadow me. Henceforth she is the Twin. My mom made me a FANTASTIC blue hat with a blue flower button. It's quite similar to one that Curls got, but mine is blue, which goes much better with my hair than the cream and gray. The bruise that I got twelve days ago is finally fading, which is exciting.

I'm in a fall basketball league that plays on Sundays, and soccer is still going strong. Fingers crossed that I'll make the school basketball team, as their goal is for all players to have six-packs by the time the season is over. That would be fantastic, because right after that is SOCCER. I REALLY REALLY want to get onto JV, but that's unlikely unless I get into great shape, which, with basketball, might happen. So....

Until next time? I ran out of interesting things to say. And yet I'm still talking...
