Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Addictions versus vices

There is a distinct difference between addictions and vices. Addictions are things that you enjoy to the point of suffering when going without it. (I just checked, I pretty much paraphrased the whole thing. Man, am I good!) Vices, however, are things that we turn to as a source of comfort when in distress. It is normally considered harmful.

I have many addictions. They are different from my vices. My vices are reading, writing, and being on the computer (Often these overlap). They help me escape from the real world. I choose to do these things because I find them enjoyable. However, it does not cause me physical or mental anguish to be parted from them.

My addictions include chocolate, tea, hats, shoes, etc. I went for an entire week without chocolate, and it was all I could think about. If I don't drink caffeinated tea in the morning, I get a headache. Similarly, non-caffeinated tea helps me sleep at night. Hats and shoes are less palpable, but every time I see a hat or a pair of shoes that I like, I keep thinking about it. I was drooling over my cloche for months before my best friend, Cori (Bottomless Pit from now on), bought it for me.

Do you see the difference now? If not, there goes my dream of being a teacher (only not. I'm not a people person, let alone a sniveling little brat person). In any case, I don't even know why this came up. There was no provocation, and it was rather boring. I apologize. I will attempt to entertain you from here on out.

I would rather love to have a netted hat. You know, the things with the lace that comes in front of your face? Cruela DeVil wore one in the real-life 101 Dalmations movie. If you blaspheme and haven't seen that movie, the girl zombie in this video wore one. I am off to try to eradicate this sudden outbreak of boringness. Mayhap on my return I shall regale you with tales of my adventures with Hank the Ninja Unicorn (He's pretty cool. A lot cooler than social networking. That makes sense in my head).

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